Calibration Services and Repair Rates Gagemaker offers calibration and repair services for many of its products. Non-Gagemaker manufactured gages are quoted on an individual basis. Please consult the table below for basic information on our services.
For additional information on calibration and repair please contact our customer service department.
Gages, Standards, and Inspection Equipment Calibration and Repair
Services Available
Calibration Price ($USD)* Repair Rate ($USD/hr)*
Gage Calibration Equipment TF-1F, TF-2R Setting Blocks
Inspect flatness, parallelism, and size
65.00 65.00 98.00 65.00 87.00 98.00
75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
TF-__T Taper Blocks
Inspect taper and size Inspect taper and size Inspect angle and size
TF-__RSC Taper Block Set TF-BX Setting Blocks TF-TP Calibration Fixture
Inspect and calculate new constant
CG-1001 Bench Calibrator Gage
Verify micrometer travel
Thread Diameter Measurement Gage RG-7000, PG-6000, MRP-5000 Diameter Gages Verify function and check parallelism
Large Diameter Measurement Gages MIC 360 Gage
Verify wheel diameter and gage function
API Gages/Standards Lead Gages
Calibrate indicator and verify function Inspect step/step per specification
43.00 48.00 52.00 48.00 38.00 38.00
75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Lead Standards
MRP ® Gages (MRP-1000, -2000, -3000)
Inspect complete assembly
MRP ® Standard Set
Inspect rod lengths per specifications Inspect groove depths per specifications Verify profile with optical comparator
Thread Height Standards
Profile Gages
Miscellaneous Equipment Indicators
Calibrate per specification Calibrate per specification Per customer specification
43.00 65.00
Thread Rolls
CMM Contract Inspection
*Prices subject to change without notice. Note: ALL indicators or gages requiring repair will be quoted prior to any work being commenced. A purchase order or written approval for the repair work must be submitted and received before any repairs will be undertaken.
Phone: 713-472-7360 • Fax: 713-472-7241
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