Calibration Services & Repair
Calibration Certificates Gagemaker provides two types of Calibration Certificates, the Certificate of Compliance and the Certificate of Calibration. The Certificate of Compliance (Short Form) is issued to a product that has been inspected or verified to meet minimum prescribed requirements. Usually, it is applied to a fixed limit instrument with no adjustment capability. The Certificate of Calibration (Long Form)is issued to products that have been inspected to the requirements of a prescribed engineering document while providing actual dimensional data.
Calibration Certificates Certificates of Compliance (Short Form Certificate) - A certificate of compliance is issued to a product that has been inspected or verified to meet the minimum requirements of a prescribed engineering document or description. Normally this type of certificate is applied to a fixed limit instrument that has no adjustment capability. No dimensional values are included in this certificate. The Compliance Certificate shall, as a minimum, include the following information: document title, name and address of the our office where the certification took place, the unique identification of the certificate in the form of a document number, name and address of the customer, identification of the method used to verify conformance, a description of the item verified, the date that the verification was completed, reference to specific procedures used in the verification process, verification results noted as Pass or Fail, the name and signature of the person authorized and responsible for the verification, and evidence that the verification is traceable. Certificates of Calibration (Long Form Certificate) - The long form certificate is issued to products that have been inspected to requirements of a prescribed engineering document. The long form includes actual dimensional data with tolerance limits as noted on the inspection drawings or certification documents. This level of certificate provides the user with the exact dimensional data on the instrument when it left the Gagemaker facility. The Calibration Certificate shall, as a minimum, include all items outlined for the Compliance Certificate with the addition of: calibration results noted by required, actual and dimensional deviation of each feature inspected.
Certificate Type
Certificate of Compliance – provided with all calibrations. Includes model number, serial number, traceability to NIST or other governing body, inspector’s signature, calibration and recalibration date. Profile gages are issued certificates of compliance only. Certificate of Calibration – includes any documentation other than that listed under the Certificate of Compliance
*Prices subject to change without notice.
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